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5 Things To Do To Look Even More Stunning On Your Wedding Day

Your wedding day only happens once in your whole life and it is crucial to look your best on such an important day. It’s normal to feel stressed from all that hustling for your perfect day so if you don’t take special care, the stress will start showing on your face!

Here are our top 5 tips to keep yourself looking the most fresh and beautiful like you should!

Credit: OneThreeOneFour (Felix)

1. Facial

This is the miracle treatment that can salvage your skin in just a few hours. Whether you’re suffering from dry skin or excessive black spots, there’s nothing a few facial appointments can’t fix. Do remember to put on moisturiser and sunblock diligently every day to protect your skin, you’d be surprised at the difference after a few weeks!

One word of caution though! Avoid facial treatments at all cost 1 week before your big day because it will take a while for the red spots to disappear.

Credit: OneThreeOneFour (Yoga)

2. Exercise

We know we know, exercising is already difficult on a normal day, how can we even think of putting our body through that hardship during this taxing period?? However, this is definitely necessary to keep your body looking fit and sexy on your big day so that you can find a wedding dress that hugs your curves at all the right places!

Admit it, you will probably be stress eating half the time so this is necessary to get rid of those sinful nights of potato chips snacking.

Credit: OneThreeOneFour (Agus)

3. Research On Makeup

Your everyday makeup may work well on simple dates but this won’t be enough to keep you looking gorgeous for the whole of your wedding day. It is going to be a hectic day of rushing from place to place and even worse if you are planning an outdoor wedding. All that sun and sweat is going to erode your makeup and you will be left bare faced before you even walk down the aisle!

Put some time into look for enduring and effective waterproof makeup. You will want something with a matte look that’s not oil based so you won’t be glittering like Edward Cullen at the end of the day!

Credit: OneThreeOneFour (Hendra)

4. Practice Smiling

Smiling seems so natural, we do that every single day, why will we need to practice it? Like many other things, practice makes perfect and smiling is no exception. Research on and rehearse some poses that look best on camera so that every photo on your wedding day counts.

Remember to also look through your wedding photographer’s portfolio to find the angles that you like the most. Convey them to your photographer on the actual day so that he will be sure to capture those winning shots for you!

Credit: OneThreeOneFour (Aswin)

5. Sleep

Sounds simple but this is one of the hardest on the list. It is already difficult juggling the different aspects of your everyday life, adding wedding planning to the list might tip it over. No matter how time consuming the planning gets, always get a good night’s rest. You won’t want to look like a zombie with your eye bags weighing down and skin looking full and colourless!

Looking For A Professional Wedding Photographer?

You will be fully equipped with all the tips needed to look perfect on your big day! However, it isn’t enough to just look pretty,  you will need a photographer who can capture your best look.

Visit our website to check out our portfolio and package details, we shoot weddings in Singapore and many destinations around the world!

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